About the Integrated Science Citation Index
iSCI,综合科学引文索引(integrated Science Citation Index,iSCI),是一个实时发布的综合性的影响因子,基于Scopus数据,谷歌学术搜索和Web of Science,以反映其同行评审期刊的引用频率和分布,避免了一些单一的或年度索引存在的缺陷。
iSCI, integrated Science Citation Index, is a comprehensive impact factor announced real-time based on Scopus data, Google Scholar search and Web of Science , which presents the citation frequency and distribution of an impacted journal to reflect its influential among the peer journals, and avoids some imperfection from any single and annual based index.
How do I find the iSCI for a journal of BioPublisher?
You can find the iSCI on the top of the left-hand column under Submission section on the journal home page.
In addition, the iSCI is also placed on the top of the right-hand column on the abstract page and the full text HTML page of every published article.