
Upon submission of the following form, the thesis supervisor will be emailed and asked to verify the accuracy of the submitted information. Once this verification has been received by the journal, the thesis abstract will be published online.


如果论文已在线出版,请在开头使用http://或者ftp://(例如: http://www.sfu.ca/path/to/thesis.pdf) ( If thesis is published online. Include http:// or ftp:// at the start (i.e. http://www.sfu.ca/path/to/thesis.pdf)).

Insert blank lines to seperate paragraphs. Place text between <b></b>, <i></i>, and <u></u> tags to bold, italicize, and underline, respectively (i.e. this <i>word</i> will be italicized).

Please include any additional comments that may be relevant to your submission.


如果选中,学生邮箱将会和论文摘要一起出版。If checked, the student email will be published with the thesis abstract.

Insert blank lines to seperate paragraphs. Place text between <b></b>, <i></i>, and <u></u> tags to bold, italicize, and underline, respectively (i.e. this <i>word</i> will be italicized).


Choose terms that best describe the thesis content following the categories used by this journal. Separate terms with a semi-colon (term1; term2; term3).

  研究论文; 研究报告; 数据分析; 综述

English=en; French=fr; Spanish=es. Additional codes.

* 表示必须填写

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